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How The Test Works

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We'll report your vulnerabilities
Imagine the pain and embarrassment
of having to notify your clients and vendors that, because of you, their information may now also be in the hands of cybercriminals; paying pricey emergency IT fees while your operations are halted or severely limited for days or weeks, data loss, lost clients, potential lawsuits, or government fines for violating data- breach laws. Your bank account drained, with no bank protection.
It doesn't have to be that way!
Discover how to secure yourself and your data with a Risk Vulnerability Assessment. Learn how easy it is for hackers to get to your information if you’re not keeping track of it. Make sure your team is adhering to good cyber hygiene. With our findings, we'll report whether you have an appropriate cyber stack that we believe will respond to a modern virus attack.
How we can help
Let us take the extra work off your plate, our team of technicians will cover the operation, monitoring, and maintenance of your cybersecurity infrastructure to make sure your network always has its shield up and standing strong. We will verify this quarterly via a complimentary third-party Penetration Test.
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